Release your Entelechy through conscious choice
In the words of Deepak Chopra “we are always doing the best that we can given our current level of awareness. As our awareness expands we open to new possibilities of being”.
In this moment you have the opportunity to choose. Just because you have chosen differently in the past does not mean you have to continue to choose that way in the present.
In the past I have chosen to neglect my health with too little exercise, in the present I can choose to now go for a run. In the past I have used harsh words or blamed others for my actions. In the present I choose to take responsibility for my words and my actions. It is never too late to choose the right path.
Deepak continues “as you spend time meditating and awakening to who you truly are, you will naturally make choices that nurture your body, mind and spirit”.
As you make conscious choices your Entelechy unfolds. I commit to making conscious choices.