Dry July
I am intrigued by Dry July. As someone who enjoys the occasional drink but doesn't crave it or need it in order to get up on the dance floor (any excuse will do!), I find it a challenge to understand the difficulty many have in staying dry for July.
In order for Dry July to be such a successful campaign alcohol must be a big ticket issue in our society. But what then happens in August, September and October, how are we managing alcohol in these months, what keeps us asking questions then?
Perhaps I am fortunate. I grew up in a family which drank in moderation and excessive alcohol consumption didn't cause any harm. In my teenage years and 20s my exposure to alcohol became more checkered. There were some great nights "on the grog" being reckless and carefree but for each great night "on the grog" I had just as many, if not more, great nights fuelled by water. There were also some horrendous nights "on the grog", nights that led to damage to my self-worth, physical harm and unhealthy relationships. Strangely I can't recall any horrendous nights "on the water".
What is the element in alcohol that is so attractive to human beings. What is the driving factor that makes Dry July such a challenge for so many people and how can we as individuals develop our connection to our universal selves in a way that removes the need for these artificial crutches.
As always I am left with more questions than answers, keen to hear your thoughts.