I am enough
Thoughts on education.
It would appear that I wanted for nothing. But I can't help but wonder if it denied me the feeling that I am still seeking, that feeling that I am enough.
Read MoreThoughts on education.
It would appear that I wanted for nothing. But I can't help but wonder if it denied me the feeling that I am still seeking, that feeling that I am enough.
Read MoreLike a perfect shower it is the mix of the hot and cold, the in and the out, that brings the aaaahhhh!
Read MoreWhat is the element in alcohol that is so attractive to human beings. What is the driving factor that makes Dry July such a challenge for so many people and how can we as individuals develop our connection to our universal selves in a way that removes the need for these artificial crutches.
As always I am left with more questions than answers, keen to hear your thoughts.
Read MoreI have so much still to learn and for now am concentrating my efforts on trying to ask the right questions and to keep asking even when I feel like I have the answers but I am relieved to be feeling a beautiful sense of contentment knowing that I have identified the source of potential pain and that I have the will to find ways to overcome it.
Read MoreThe roots of a plant are like your inner world. They must be strong and nourished with the right elements in order for the leaves and branches to be strong and robust with abundant blooms.
Ask yourself the question, "how does this external action feed my inner being?" "How is this action contributing or detracting from me being whole?" "Is this behavior nurturing my roots and helping my roses bloom?"
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There are lots of ways to bring richness to rural living and it starts with knowing yourself, really intimately, warts and all, taking the time to get to know yourself. Once you know yourself you then have a self-awareness about which activities bring you joy and which ones bring you pain. Armed with this knowledge you can make conscious choices about what you get involved in and what you avoid at all costs.
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