Beyond the wildest imaginings sits a butterfly
I wonder about butterflies....often. So much about the transformation from grub to thing of remarkable beauty, fascinates me. Is it because I can relate to the journey?
I would imagine that the butterfly is beyond the wildest imaginings of the caterpillar, but yet - there must be a knowing, an inbuilt guide that takes the little grub on this remarkable journey.
I feel like that grub. When I take the time to stop and listen I can hear it, the gentle voice guiding me into the transformation, reading out the instructions to put that crimson circle here and that teal stripe there, although for me it is more like, post that challenging question to that particular person, invest your money in doing that course, step through your fear and connect with such and such a person.
It is hard to get still enough to listen and to create the shift that is set in my DNA. I can feel the knowing but it feels out of reach. I have an awareness that there is an easy way and a more difficult way and that I tend to take the later but I can't seem to turn the wheel to shift paths.
Is this the function of the chrysalis?
How do I create a chrysalis? I have a busy household to run, I have kids who depend on me, a community which seeks my input, friends who value my time, bills to pay, a mind which won't stay still enough to allow a full nights sleep let alone a period long enough to grow wings!
The answer lies in more be and less do but most days it feels like this is near to impossible to achieve. For now the kids lunches are needing to be made, the annual accounting reports need to get to the bank manager, my hair can't wait another day to be washed and I have a business to run - hanging out in the chrysalis seems out of the question for today.
For now it is a matter of create what I can, little moments where I just sit and breathe and imagine myself as that grub, curled up, protected & safe because of the beingness not because she is doing anything.