Release your Entelechy through conscious choice
n this moment you have the opportunity to choose. Just because you have chosen differently in the past does not mean you have to continue to choose that way in the present.
Read Moren this moment you have the opportunity to choose. Just because you have chosen differently in the past does not mean you have to continue to choose that way in the present.
Read MoreVirtues form the basis of our character, the foundation of who we are, some suggest that virtues are the expression of soul.
Read MoreFortunate on so many levels.
Read MoreHow are you embracing the turbulence on your journey as you realise your entelechy?
Read MoreWalnut of Eden – Vladimir Kush – it is the Entelechy of the Walnut to become the tree
I am revisiting an online course presented by the oh so beautiful to listen to Jean Houston, titled “Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” and I have been reminded that this is where I first heard the term “entelechy” in all its rich and magnificent glory! Jean defines the word Entelechy as “the deep purpose that guides your becoming“.
In one of her exercises Jean writes “The Essential Self knows the possible paths our life may take and wants to help us choose the best ones. It knows how to turn imagination into reality and make the life we live fulfilling and creative. Above all, it knows why we are here and what we yet can do; where we can go and why we need to go there”.
As I write and review my goals for 2014, tapping into this essence will feature prominently. When I can stop, and really listen, I get glimpses of my Entelechy. My aim now is to convert these glimpses into my permanent view. Incredibly exciting!
A conversation with a friend yesterday reminded me of the power of small acts, paid forward, accumulating to change the world. In reflecting on the conversation it struck me that if the acts we are performing in service to others are things that come easily to us but are difficult for the recipient, that is where the magic lies.
How can you use your entelechy to amplify your contribution, to pay it forward and change the world?
This passage from Garth Brooks – The River, speaks for itself. The realisation of one’s potential is like the passage of a river with twists and turns, calm and turbulence. In knowing the destination we are more equipped for the journey.
“Could ADHD and the many as yet unlabelled syndromes that burden the Millennial Child be, in part, the vengeance wrought by senses that have not been stimulated and harmonised?
How much is the unfolding of our entelechy being limited by modern societies reduced stimulation of the senses. Sight and hearing are perhaps over stimulated with smell, touch and taste subdued. I have a bunch of lillies in my living room at the moment. Each time I pass a different memory or thought is stimulated. At first a memory of my Grandmother which leads on to recalling some of her wise words. Next the delight of spring and thoughts around being outdoor, relaxed and carefree. And then a thought about how smell travels and infiltrates. This thought flowing into questions about why one smell overpowers another and why some people can interpret a scent as pleasant while another person finds it repulsive.
Anyway, I digress. My take home concept is that to fully realise our entelechy we must stimulate and harmonise all our senses….including our sixth sense.
I woke this morning with the mantra “just do it” running through my head. It has helped. Rather than holding back from writing this in the fear that it is not right, I am just doing it. It feels great!
What are you waiting for? Step forward and greet your entelechy.
After making my last post I travelled along a very twisty turny cyber path to this gem of a blog by Leonie Dawson
“And yet – if I just harness the energy of the wild donkey idea when it’s in my paddock, it makes creating so much easier.
I am happy to have days of huge creative surges then rest and recover for a week after.
Want to know what happens to the stuff that I wait for, molly coddle, caress gently, tease out, think about, want to make perfect?
That’s the stuff I haven’t made.
That’s the stuff that’s still sitting on my desk.
It’s called Mount Project, and it is a mammoth pile that still teases me.
Riding the wild donkey might be wild, my gosh is it fun and exhilarating and delicious.
And oh my goddess, how it gets things DONE. Created. Out in the world for them to dance their magic and do what they need to do.
Which is much more than can be said for all the dreams that lay buried in Mount Project”.
It really resonated with me. Some days I am so energized and driven, chrystal clear in where I am heading and how I am realising my unique potential but on others I find it hard to believe I have any potential! Perhaps I need to let myself enjoy the wild donkey ride and take the time to recuperate when it is over. Thank you Leonie Dawson xxx
“You can never know when an action you take will be the one that turns the tide. What we do in life can sometimes feel relatively small or insignificant, but it rarely is. You can take responsibility for acts that are within your ability. Most, if not all, of the problems we face today are the result of trillions and trillions of small acts that were, and in many instances continue to be, essentially thought – less. Their solution will come from the same wellspring – millions and millions, billions and billions, trillions and trillions of small acts that are essentially thought – full”
I haven’t yet read the book but am so inspired by the concept of the small things adding up like a snowflake on a branch. It is these small, repetitions that, when well guided, lead to your entelechy. The question is, how do you know which way to head. That is what I am looking forward to exploring through this blog.